Knockmore Primary School

Visitors to school


This targeted 3 week Programme, revised in Summer 2017, is aimed at children in P5. It comprises three workshops: the Chester’s Challenge Workbook, and a series of leaflets that are given to pupils to take home and share with their parents to reinforce learning. The three fun and interactive workshops are: Eat Your Way to Health, Physical Activity and the Heart, and Chester and Heartley’s Jungle Challenge.

Stamp out Smoking is the fourth Workshop within the Chester Programme, which is delivered to children in P6 or P7 .

The Programme not only supports the implementation of healthy living education in Primary Schools but also links directly with the Key Stage 2 curriculum; including:

‘The World Around Us’
Maths (for example working out amounts of salt and fat on food labels)
‘Thinking, Skills, and Personal Capabilities’ – gives opportunities to collaborate and cooperate and to problem solve
‘Personal Development and Mutual Understanding’ topics
The Eco-School Programme
Literacy – activities in workbook, for example story boarding
Art – for example designing a poster highlighting healthy living

The Waterbus is a double decker bus, which has been transformed into a mobile education unit. It concentrates on the many aspects of water and is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils. 

On the Water Bus the children met H20, the Water Wise Super Hero who introduces them to the Wonderful World of Water. 

We learnt about a range of water issues such as the water cycle, water for health, water sources, water and wastewater treatment , water conservation and water in the developing world. 

It was a brilliant visit and we had loads of fun learning about WATER.

1. Cycling, scooting or walking the school run is an easy way of building physical activity into the whole family’s daily routine.

According to government guidelines, children and young people aged 5 to 18 need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, while adults should get a minimum of 150 minutes a week. At 1.6 miles, the average primary school journey is a distance that can be cycled, scooted or walked as an easy way of building more activity into our busy lives.

2. Not only is it great for your physical health, it can also boost mental health and wellbeing.

Physical activity can increase mental alertness, energy, positive mood and self-esteem, as well as reducing stress and anxiety, according to the Mental Health Foundation.

3. It’s a great way to start the day – not just for kids but for parents too.

Teachers find that pupils who walk, cycle or scoot arrive at school more relaxed, alert and ready to start the day than those who travel by car. Parents can benefit in the same way and burn some precious calories along the way – a 20-minute bike ride can use the same amount of calories as a cappuccino, a bar of chocolate or a 175ml glass of wine.

4. More people cycling, scooting or walking ultimately means there are fewer cars on the road, helping ease congestion outside the school gates.

The proportion of children walking and cycling to school has been declining in England since 1995, with the number being driven to primary school increasing each year - as many as one in four cars on the road during the morning peak are on the school run. Leaving the car at home means you’ll take the hassle out of parking too.

5. Fewer cars means less pollution, making the air we breathe cleaner for everyone.

Up to 40,000 early deaths are attributable to air pollution each year in the UK – only smoking contributes to more early deaths. Road transport is responsible for 80% of the pollution where legal limits are being broken and children are particularly affected. What’s more, those who travel by car can experience five times higher pollution levels than those who cycle and three and a half times more than those walking the same route. Not only is air pollution harmful to humans, it also affects animal and plant life.

6. Cycling, scooting or walking to school increases children’s awareness of road safety as well as boosting independence.

Instilling a love of cycling, scooting or walking in children from a young age has long-lasting benefits – as well as developing road awareness to encourage independent travel as a teenager, it can also create good habits for an active adult life.

7. Travelling under your own steam provides the perfect opportunity to connect with the world around you.

Cycling, scooting and walking brings you closer to nature and the changes in the seasons. Whether it’s spotting wildlife or noticing the leaves changing colour on the trees, two wheels are better than four when it comes to connecting with nature and get to know your local area.

8. You’ll save money

Cycling, scooting or walking the school run will save you and your family a small fortune. Not only will you be forking out less on petrol, you might also save money on gym fees, leaving you with more cash in your pocket.

9. It benefits us all

From health to road safety, retail and tourism, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the economic benefits of cycling and walking. In England alone 10 billion annual journeys are undertaken every year by bike and on foot, with an estimated combined economic value of £14 billion.

10. And if all that’s not enough, just think of all the fresh air, freedom and fun you’ll have along the way.

Taking time out of your day to cycle, scoot or walk together is a great chance to catch up on your child’s day and spend quality time with each other while enjoying the fresh air and freedom of travelling under your own steam.

Top tips for parents

NSPCC "Speak out and stay safe"
The NSPCC Speak out Stay safe programme ensures all children aged 5-11 learn this essential safeguarding information in a lively, interactive and memorable way. By the end of our visit we know pupils feel empowered and can speak out and stay safe.

With the help of our mascot Buddy, the programme provides child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops to help children:

  1. understand abuse in all its forms and recognise the signs of abuse
  2. know how to protect themselves from all forms of abuse
  3. know how to get help, and the sources of help available to them, including our Childline service.

Childline number 0800 11 11

The internet is like a magician’s hat. It's full of exciting things to explore and children love it. But whilst they seem to know what they’re doing, sometimes it’s hard for parents to keep track.

That's where the NSPCC have helped. With O2, a parents workshop was held to keep children safe online.

With lots of tips and advice. Helping parents/cares to  have the right conversations with children. There is a FREE helpline to give you personal advice whenever you need it.

So whatever's in that magician's hat, the NSPCC aims to you make sure your children are safe as they explore it.

If you have a question about parental controls or concern about a social network your child uses, expert advisors at he NSPCC free helpline are there to help.
CALL 0808 8005002


W5 interactive shows bring fun and learning together, covering topics to suit everyone. Learn about forces, sound, space and engineering with fun and interactive demonstrations. All of the shows are STEM-related.

Science Magic (ages 4 – 11)

H2Oh! (4 – 11)
Space! (9 – 12)

The Trouble with Titanic (9 – 12)
Sound’s Interesting (11 – 14)
Force of Course (11 – 14)

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600