Knockmore Primary School

Speech and Language Team based at Knockmore Primary School

The Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) are all registered members of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The Speech and Language Therapy Team working in Knockmore Primary School are all employed by the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT). The Speech and Language Therapy Team in Knockmore must also adhere to standards and policies laid down by the SEHSCT.

The Team presently consists of 2 Speech and Language Therapists and a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant who work on a full and part time basis.


  • Mrs Caroline Wilson - Lead Speech and Language Therapist (Cert. MRCSLT)
  • Mrs Lisa Kelly - Speech and Language Therapist (Cert. MRCSLT)
  • Mrs Alison Bloxham -Speech and Language Therapy Assistant

The staff are supervised by Karen Rattray the Clinical and Service Lead for Mainstream School Projects, MLD and DLD Children in Education.

 If your child has been placed in Knockmore Primary by the Education Board for Speech and Language Therapy provision, this can be provided in various forms.

The specific type and amount of therapy required for each child will be determined following a thorough assessment of the child's speech, language, and communication skills.

The factors which are taken into consideration when making this decision will be:



  • The nature of the communication problem

  • The functional impact of the difficulty on the child’s life

  • The impact of the communication difficulty on a child’s ability to access the curriculum

  • The child’s readiness to respond to therapy

  • The level and effectiveness of parental/home support

  • The child’s motivation to change

  • The child’s previous response to speech and language therapy



The Speech and Language Therapy staff carry out therapy in close collaboration with the education staff, and regular liaison sessions between the teacher and the therapist take place to allow for discussion and planning around the needs of the children.


Initial assessment of a child’s speech and language skills takes place on the child’s entry to the school and then subsequently on a regular basis.

During assessment periods, therapists and teachers work together to share and exchange information. This leads to joint planning and the setting up of common goals, ensuring that speech and language therapy aims are included in the child’s Individual Education Plan.

Therapy goals are addressed in tandem with the child’s Individual Education Plan.

Therapy Options

Speech and Language Therapy sessions can take one or more of the following forms. A child can receive one or more types of intervention according to need.

  • Class Based Groups
    These groups are carried out in the classroom. The teacher and therapist plan these sessions together and decide on the priority areas for each class. These are usually focused around curricular topics.
  • Withdrawal Groups
    These groups generally take place in the Speech and Language Therapist’s room.  Children with a similar level and type of difficulty are grouped together and taken for sessions in small groups.
  • Individual Therapy Sessions
    Individual therapy sessions are allocated on the basis of need by the Speech and Language Therapist following a full Speech and Language Assessment. These individual sessions allow for more targeted child specific work to be carried out.

 N.B. A Speech and Language Therapy Assistant may also take group and/or individual sessions under the supervision of a Speech and Language Therapist.

Home Support

Parents are asked to support their child in their therapy programme in the following ways ….

  • To attend the meet and greet session.  This is provided by the Speech and Language Team at the start of the year for parents of children new to the school.
  • Parent Interviews. Parents are encouraged to attend all parent/ teacher/ therapist meetings. These are generally held twice a year in the first and second terms.
  • Homework. Completing homework set via email and Seesaw. Parents are encouraged to reinforce strategies recommended by the therapist in the home and during homework activities.

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600