Knockmore Primary School

  1. News
  2. Important update 2-1-21

Important update 2-1-21

2 January 2021 (by Mr Deery (SPL4))

Please see the information attached regarding key-workers and students returning to school.

For those parents wanting to register as Key Workers or to register a Vulnerable Pupil, please send an email to by Monday midday.

Remember to include Name of child(ren):

Reason for application of Place:
(Please specify as either Child of Key Worker and/or Vulnerable Pupil)

UPDATE 2.1.20:
For further clarification, families may apply for a pupil's place for supervised learning in school on Wednesday-Friday where ONE parent is a Key Worker. Applications should be sent to the School Information Account  by Monday noon.
Please note as stated in the letter, children of key workers and vulnerable children do not have to come to school.  This is merely providing an option for these parents, primarily where other childcare options are not available.  Children in school may not be in their normal classroom or with their normal teacher and will not receive face-to-face teaching.
Kind regards
Andrea Hardwick

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600